sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014

Producto a la Venta / Product for Sale:Real Action Heroes (RAH) No. 662 Link (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)

Buenas noches gamers y otakus, esta vez les traemos a la venta la figura de uno de los héroes más grandes de Nintendo, nos referimos a Link de la  serie de videojuegos “The Legend of Zelda”, específicamente del juego “Skyward Sword”. 

Manofacturado por Medicom Toy para la linea Real Action Heroes (RAH para abreviar) mide 30cm y cuenta con una gran calidad en los detalles tanto en el rostro como en su ropa (que es de tela) y armas. La figura cuenta con articulaciones para realizar toda clase de poses, tiene su arco sagrado, una flecha (“¿¡Solo una!?”, si, solo una), el Stamina Beetle (Escarabajo de Estamina en ingles), la base para la figura, su escudo Hylian y su arma principal: la Master Sword.

El lanzamiento será a finales de Marzo del 2014. ¡Aparta la tuya desde ahorita!

Precio via Facebook's Mr. Zero's Shop o por mail.

"Solo originales, solo para ti"


Good night gamers and otakus, this time we bring you on pre-order mode the figure from one of Nintendo’s greatest heroes, we’re talking about Link from the videogame series “The Legend of Zelda, specifically from the game “Skyward Sword”. Manufactured by Medicom Toy for Real Action Heroes (RAH for short) product line he is 30cm tall, counts with great quality on the details, both the face and his clothes (which are fabric) and weapons. The figure has joints for a great variety of poses, has its sacred bow, an arrow (“Only one arrow!?” Yes, just one), the Stamina Beetle), the figure stand, his Hylian Shield and his main weapon: the Master Sword.

The figure will be released by late March 2014. Save yours now!

Cost via Facebook's Mr. Zero's Shop o by mail.

"Only originals, only for you"

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