Tambien del videojuego “Metroid: Other M” llega
Samus Aran pero esta vez vistiendo su Zero Suit (el traje que viste mientras
esta en misiones). Es de Figma Max Factory y esta a 1/8 de escala. Se ve
calmada como siempre mientras sostiene su arma en la mano derecha, lista para
acabar con lo que se interponga en su camino. El Metroid bebé que juega un rol
importante en la historia también está incluido junto con Samus.
Precio via Facebook's Mr. Zero's Shop o mail.
"Solo originales, solo para ti"
Also from the videogame “Metroid: Other M” comes
Samus Aran, but this time wearing her Zero Suit (the suit she wears while out
on missions). From Figma Max Factory and 1/8 scale. She looks cool and calm as
always while holding her gun in her right hand, ready to take on anything that
comes her way. The Baby Metroid that plays an important role in the story is
also included along with Samus.
"Only originals, only for you"